• Serve in Coffee Shop on Sundays on a rotating schedule

    Contact: Dave & Barb Knight

  • Maintain and distribute non-perishable food for families in need

    Contact: Pat McGrath

  • Event planning/coordination for those age 55 and older

    Contact: Joyce Carter

  • Feed and minister to the needs of the homeless

    Contact: Mike Poole

  • Assist members and guests during Sunday services

    Contact: Casey Harvey

  • Ministry activities for children ages Birth through 6th Grade

    Contact: Tanya Henthorn Children’s Minister

  • Helping with events in the church kitchen with prep, serving and clean-up.

    Contact: Bev Poole

  • Provides meals for those in crisis or going through tough times. Help with cooking meals and/or delivering of meals.

    Contact: Jennifer Jones

  • Provide tech needs for the congregation through photography, audio, and lighting.

    Contact: Randy Walters & Alisha Bakale

  • Event planning/coordination

    Contact: Josh Boulton

  • Ministry activities for middle and high school students in grades Grades 7-12

    Contact: Craig Rice Student Minister

  • Small groups in member homes or at the church

    Contact: Bob Beltz or Craig Rice

  • Committee involvement and event planning

    Contact: Nichole McCollum or Casey Harvey

  • Vocalists and instrumentalists for Sunday Worship

    Contact: Alisha Bakale Worship Leader

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