• Wednesday Nights!

    Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 6:30-8:00PM. Join us for a time of fellowship and learning as we engage in the Bible Study: Ruth & Esther: Small but significant acts of faithfulness play a decisive role in God’s bigger plan.

  • Baked Goods Donations Needed

    Baked Goods Needed for Saturday, Feb. 22nd Movie Night at the Church! Donations of baked goods are requested for the Women’s Ministry Fundraiser that will take place on the night of the All-Church & Community Movie Night showing of the movie "I Can" on Feb. 22. *If you want to make them baseball-themed goodies to go with the movie theme (like baseball rice crispy treats, cake pop baseballs, etc.) that would be awesome (but not required!) Please sign up at the Women’s Ministry Table in the foyer if you can donate, or see Casey Harvey.

  • Ladies Coffee Shop Meet-Up

    Sat., March 1st @ 10AM
    1st Saturday of the Month
    Meet us at Bran-N-Shorts Coffee House in Mooresville for coffee, tea or other beverage with a yummy pastry and enjoy some great fellowship with wonderful ladies! (15 W. Main St., Mooresville, 46158)

  • Gals and Games!

    Friday, April 25th, 6-8PM. We’ll be having a game night! More info. to come.